Links of the Month
The Link of the Month is a link to a resource that an individual or family served by Golden Gate Regional Center may find helpful. Below is this month's featured link, as well as links featured in months past.
Helen Keller National Center
The Link of the Month for December 2013 is to the website for the Helen Keller National Center for DeafBlind Youths and Adults. The center, which was established by an act of Congress, is a national rehabilitation center for individuals who are deaf-blind.
12 Autism Resources for Spanish Speakers
The Link of the Month for November 2013 is to the webpage 12 Autism Resources for Those Who Speak Spanish on the website for the Friendship Circle, a Michigan-based organization that provides programs and support to families of individuals with special needs.
Supported Life Institute
The Link of the Month for October 2013 is to the website for the Supported Life Institute, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing training and education to advocates of persons with developmental disabilities.
Family Connections
The Link of the Month for September 2013 is to the website for Family Connections, a nonprofit organization that provides education services to low-income families in San Mateo County.