Links of the Month
The Link of the Month is a link to a resource that an individual or family served by Golden Gate Regional Center may find helpful. Below is this month's featured link, as well as links featured in months past.
The Link of the Month for March 2017 is to SPARK, a long-term online study involving tens of thousands of individuals that aims to accelerate autism research, advance understanding of autism, and ultimately improve the quality of life for individuals living with autism.
February 2017
The Link of the Month for February 2017 is no longer active.
Pacific Autism Center for Education
The Link of the Month for January 2017 is to the Pacific Autism Center for Education (PACE) website. Founded in 1989, PACE is a Bay Area-based organization that seeks to enhance the lives of individuals with autism through an array of behavioral, educational and residential services.
STAR Center for ASD & NDDs
The Link of the Month for December 2016 is to the website for the STAR Center for ASD & NDDs at the University of California, San Francisco. "STAR" being an acronym for service, training, advocacy and research, the center's mission is to improve the medical and social wellbeing of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs).
Opening Doors PTA
The Link of the Month for November 2016 is to the website for Opening Doors PTA, a nonprofit organization serving Belmont and Redwood Shores that offers resources to students in need of extra support, their parents, and school district educators.
Cerebral Palsy Guidance
The Link of the Month for September 2016 is to Cerebral Palsy Guidance, a website dedicated to assisting parents and guardians of individuals with cerebral palsy.
Administration for Community Living
The Link of the Month for August 2016 is to the website for the Administration for Community Living (ACL). Established
in 2012, the ACL is tasked with coordinating policy among several federal agencies that serve persons with disabilities and/or older adults.
July 2016
The Link of the Month for July 2016 is no longer active.