

The term "Self-Determination," in the context of regional center services, means that individuals and their families can choose to have a maximum amount of freedom and control in determining which services and supports best meet their specific needs. The information below explains the State of California's Self-Determination Program (of which every regional center is a part), as well as the Golden Gate Regional Center Self-Determination Local Advisory Committee (SDLAC).

  • Self-Determination Progam
  • Self-Determination Resources
  • Self-Determination Local Advisory Committee

September SDLAC Meeting 

Dear Community Partners,

The next meeting of the SDLAC is Thursday, September 26th at 4:00 pm.

Draft Agenda/Meeting Notice

Please click here to join us on Zoom

  ~ Jennifer Walsh, SDLAC Chair 

Self-Determination Program

In October 2013, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. signed into law the Self-Determination Program, which will provide persons served and their families with more freedom, control, and responsibility in choosing services and supports to help them meet objectives in their Individual Program Plan.

As outlined in the Welfare and Institutions Code Section 4685.8, the services and supports will be directed by a participant through person-centered planning, as they are designed to assist the participant in achieving personally defined outcomes in community settings that promote inclusion.

During the first three years of the Self-Determination Program, enrollment was limited to 2,500 people. Beginning July 1, 2021, the program was opened to all persons receiving regional center services.  

The principles of Self-Determination include, but are not limited to:

  • Freedom to exercise the same rights as all citizens, including where, how, and with whom one wants to live;
  • Authority to control a budget for the purchase of services and supports of one's own choosing;
  • Support, in the form of resources and personnel, that will create the flexibility necessary for one to live in the community of his or her choice;
  • Responsibility for decision-making in pursuance of the life one wishes to live;
  • Confirmation of one's choices by way of designing and operating the services and supports on which he or she will rely.

How to Get Started 

We have support to assist in the transition from traditional services to the Self-Determination Program. For questions about how you can get started with the Self-Determination Program here at GGRC, send an email to  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

The Self Determination Program is a way to think creatively about your regional center's services and supports. The funds allocated to purchase services on your behalf can be used to meet your Individual Program Plan (IPP) goals with you in control of who provides these services and what type of services you access.

SDP means that you are in the driver's seat and you have autonomy and responsibility to ensure your services are helping you reach your best life.

Steps to enroll?

  1. Attend a mandatory SDP orientation.

    Attend SCDD Orientation. The State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD) hosts a virtual orientation that fulfills this mandatory requirement. A calendar of the orientations can be found on their website at This two-hour orientation is available in English, Spanish, Korean, Armenian, Farsi, Chinese, and Vietnamese. (Additional languages coming soon, please check the SCDD for updated information.)   
  2. Express interest in SDP to your social worker.

    ** You are also invited to attend one of GGRC's monthly SDP Local Advisory Committee meetings. At these meetings, you will meet other SDP participants, receive program and policy updates on SDP, and hear from providers.  Attendance is NOT a requirement for enrollment in SDP.   
  1. To find out more about the program beyond this regional center, see the Self-Determination Program page on the DDS website. 

More Questions? 

Do you have general questions about where to get started? The process to enter can be complex and may not be for everyone.

If you are interested in Self-Determination, GGRC has FREE expert coaches from NeuroNav who can walk you through the process and answer any of your questions. 

Self-Determination Resources 

Self-Determination Local Advisory Committee

As part of the Self-Determination Program, every regional center is required to maintain a standing Self-Determination Local Advisory Committee (SDLAC). 

The purpose of these committees is to give individuals and families a voice in the development and implementation of the Self-Determination Program.

For more information about the work of the committee and additional resources, please visit the SDLAC page.

Golden Gate Regional Center's SDLAC meets once a month on the fourth Thursday of every month. Anyone interested in Self-Determination is encouraged to attend. 

For information about the next SDLAC meeting, check the Upcoming Events page. 


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