News & Announcements
Below is a list of news and announcements that may be of interest to anyone involved with Golden Gate Regional Center. (Announcements that pertain primarily or exclusively to GGRC service providers begin with the phrase: "ATTENTION SERVICE PROVIDERS.")
GGRC to Hold NCI Survey Results Public Meeting
Golden Gate Regional Center will hold a public meeting to discuss the agency's National Core Indicator (NCI) Survey results. The meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 15th; anyone interested in attending can do so in person (at the GGRC San Francisco office) or via Zoom.
Attend the 28th Annual Golden Gate Self-Advocacy Conference!
The 28th Annual Golden Gate Self-Advocacy Conference will be held on the morning of Wednesday, November 1st at the Milton Marks Conference Center in San Francisco. Anyone interested in attending should see the official flyer (which includes a registration form) for more information.
Now Available: GGRC's August HCBS Newsletter
New DDS Provider Directory launching in September 2024!
ATTENTION SERVICE PROVIDERS: In September 2024, the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) will launch an online Provider Directory. (Its full capabilities will be released in phases.)
Service-provider owners and designated regional center representatives will be invited to create an account and collaborate to ensure accurate provider information is in this new system. DDS wants to complete Provider Directory registration information by August 15th, and they need you to help by completing the Service Provider Information Survey.
Please see the Provider Directory page on the DDS website for additional information about his project. If you have questions that are not addressed on the site, please send them to:
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Participate in Our New Service Needs Survey
The Annual New Service Needs Survey helps Golden Gate Regional Center identify the services and supports that are most needed by the people we support and their families. Please help us in this very important task by taking part in the survey.
Website Redesign
¡El Centro Regional Golden Gate se está renovando!
¡Estamos realizando algunos cambios en la forma en que GGRC se comunica con ustedes, incluido el rediseño de nuestro sitio web! Nuestro objetivo principal es hacer que nuestro contenido y recursos en línea sean más accesibles, y estamos rediseñando las cosas pensando en ti. Tus ideas y sugerencias nos importan, así que si tienes alguna idea que desees compartir, envíanos un correo electrónico
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. ¡Juntos, estamos trabajando para mejorar nuestra comunicación para apoyarte y fortalecer a nuestra comunidad!
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. 讓我們共同努力改善溝通,以支持您並使我們的社區更強大!