Links of the Month
The Link of the Month is a link to a resource that an individual or family served by Golden Gate Regional Center may find helpful. Below is this month's featured link, as well as links featured in months past.
California Storm Disaster Assistance
The Link of the Month for February 2013 is the California Severe Winter Storm Disaster Assistance webpage on the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) website, which provides information about federal and local relief for victims of the storms, as well as a link to the federal assistance application.
Flood Preparedness Week
The Link of the Month for January 2023 is to the Flood Preparedness Week page on the California Department of Water Resources website. The page is organized around the State's official Flood Preparedness Week, which happens in October, but offers generally useful information on how to prepare for and stay safe during a flood.
Office of the Ombudsperson
The Link of the Month for December 2022 is to the webpage for the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) Office of the Ombudsperson, a newly established body that was created to aid individuals and families in accessing Lanterman Act services from their local regional center.
The Link of the Month for November 2022 is to the website for CalABLE, a savings and investment plan for individuals with developmental disabilities that is administered by the State of California.
Public Safety Power Shutoffs: Resources
The Link of the Month for October 2022 is to the Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) Resources page on the Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) website. The page provides links to information (in many languages) about what precautions can or should be taken before, during and after a PSPS.
Listos California
The Link of the Month for September 2022 is to Listos California, a website created by the Governor's Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) that provides disaster-preparedness information in a wide array of languages and formats.
Mpox: Signs and Symptoms
The Link of the Month for August 2022 is to the Mpox: Signs and Symptoms page on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website.
July 2022
The Link of the Month for July 2022 is no longer active.
COVID-19, Cold, Allergies and the Flu: What Are the Differences?
The Link of the Month for June 2022 is to a page on the Mayo Clinic website titled, " COVID-19, cold, allergies and the Flu: What Are the Differences?" The purpose of this webpage is to help individuals determine if symptoms are indicative of a possible COVID-19 infection, or if they are more likely indicative of the one of the other three common ailments.
Runway of Dreams Foundation
The Link of the Month for May 2022 is to the website for the Runway of Dreams Foundation, an organization dedicated to helping individuals with disabilities express themselves by way of adaptive fashion and beauty-inclusiveness.