Links of the Month
The Link of the Month is a link to a resource that an individual or family served by Golden Gate Regional Center may find helpful. Below is this month's featured link, as well as links featured in months past.
Autism Center of Northern California
The Link of the Month for February 2018 is to the website for the Autism Center of Northern California, a nonprofit organization that develops comprehensive individual treatment and education strategies for children with autism.
California Disability Services Association
The Link of the Month for January 2018 is to the website for the California Disability Services Association (CDSA), a statewide organization dedicated to supporting and empowering individuals with developmental disabilities, as well as educating and training the larger community on developmental disability-related issues.
Children's Health Council
The Link of the Month for December 2017 is to the website for the Children's Health Council, a nonprofit organization dedicated to removing social, emotional and learning barriers for children with autism, ADHD, learning disabilities, anxiety and/or depression.
Down Syndrome Connection of the Bay Area
The Link of the Month for November 2017 is to website for Down Syndrome Connection of the Bay Area, an organization dedicated to empowering and supporting individuals with Down Syndrome, as well as fostering awareness and acceptance of such individuals in broader society.
The Link of the Month for October 2018 is to the website for AbleCloset, a nonprofit organization created to lend rehabilitative equipment to children and families with special needs.
Disability Organizing Network
The Link of the Month for September 2017 is to the website for the Disability Organizing Network, a self-advocacy network for individuals with disabilities that focuses on issues related to community organizing, voter education, social integration, housing, transportation and education.
Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health
The Link of the Month for August 2017 is to the website for the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health. Established formally in 1996, the foundation seeks to improve the quality and accessibility of health care for children, including those with special needs.
July 2017
The Link of the Month for July 2017 is no longer active.
Family Voices of California
The Link of the Month for June 2017 is to the website for Family Voices of California (FVCA), a statewide network of parent-run centers working to ensure quality health care for children with special needs.
May 2017
The Link of the Month for May 2017 is no longer active.